Archive for August, 2007

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John Lewis launch their new website

Today, John Lewis unveiled their new website. I’ve used their ‘old’ (yesterday’s) version a few times and always found it very good if a little light in the product area. Apparently this new version will have nearly double the product range, up from 22,000 products to 41,000 and will be edited frequently so that should take care of that. An excuse for some retail therapy anyway. One Read more …


Webtogs – An etail startup

Webtogs, is a new etail business, selling “the outdoors, online”. At the moment they’re due to open (according to their holding page) in Summer 07 and have taken the interesting step of documenting their progress towards their launch. I haven’t read all of their blog but what I’ve read makes interesting reading and is a good way of garnering interest pre-launch. Maybe Read more …

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Handmade retail

The ‘handmade/popup’ retail trend continues to grow. This is de Bakkerswinkel in Amsterdam from the Style Files. The Style Files is well worth adding to your RSS/bookmarks whatever, always a lot of good pictures for inspiration.  Read More …

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The BBC goes social

You can now bookmark news items on the BBC on your favourite social bookmarking/sharing website. More here.  Read More …

BBC, Social Media
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A bit more about Social Commerce

We’re designing 4 websites at the moment (at the last count) that all include some sort of social commerce and social network, so here’s some timely research from e-consultancy. My key outtakes … More than half of UK online customers say reviews are extremely or very important in making an online purchase. More than half of all online sellers (51%) consider User Generated Content Read more …

Ecommerce, Social Media
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A couple of Web 2.0 articles

In the past couple of days I’ve read a couple of articles worth a read around the Web 2.0 theme. The first on mad by Paul Dawson tells us of a survey of 1,000 marketing managers of which ‘almost half’ 42% didn’t feel that customers were interested in being provided with Web 2.0 technologies, although I’d prefer to look at it that 58% (of marketing managers) do and the Read more …

Web stuff
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More nice signs

Last week in Italy I spotted these signs. Supermarkets spend a great deal of effort trying to be authentic, using ‘blackboard’ style signage to signify ‘fresh’ food. Here’s the real deal, from Pitigliano in Tuscany. This second one, well, I just liked the type really.  Read More …
